Friday, December 27, 2013

Take the Limits off

"Yes, again and again they tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel" Psalm 78:41 NKJV 

In our daily lives, we become forgetful of God's miraculous powers and all things He has done in our life.  Our forgetfulness limits God's ability to do more for us because we are unable to see past the here and now.  The Israelites were a forgetful people because they continuously through their complaining and murmuring failed to recall it was God that provided manna when they were hungry.  It was God who delivered them from the wilderness and forgave them despite their sinful ways.  As much as they tempted God, he still cared and loved them.  Their actions limited God's actions because they failed to see how big God was. 

As we prepare to enter a New Year, we too can fail if we do not open our hearts and take the limits off of God! We limit our own potential, dreams and visions when we limit God! God has plans to prosper us in all areas of our lives only if we trust and believe Him at His word. Embrace the New Year with passion, zeal and a renewed love of Christ by taking the limits off. Start making preparation today! As I encourage you, I truly encourage myself. Be blessed. -rfwb

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