Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Change is Gonna Come

Greetings in the Name of our Heavenly Father,

This blog has always been a source of strength for me as I let the Lord’s words flow through me and pray that it be a blessing to someone. I’d like to share with you a recent experience as I moved to Beaumont, Texas where my parents were raised. I knew it would be a huge change for me even though some were against the move. In my heart I knew the Lord was guiding me in this new journey. As I stepped out on faith, I asked the Lord a couple of things. One, please be with me and keep me strong. Two, help me find a new church home as a church foundation is very important to me. Finally, I asked for strength to make it on my own in a new location.

I know the Lord is heard my cries. Hebrews 10:25 says, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” Therefore finding a church home was very important. Praise God, I found a church home where I am spiritually fed regularly. I’ve never been a member of a large church before so when I visited Antioch MBC I was apprehensive but knew that the Lord would not lead me astray. Oh how right I was. Last month I attended a women’s ministry meeting that I’d like to share with you because it continues exactly from my last post, “Everything happens for a Reason.”

My all time favorite scripture Romans 8:28 says, “all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” No matter how bad things may seem in your life remember that things are working together for the good. We may not see it now but thank God there is good in there somewhere. I’m smiling even as I write this.

I’d like to digress for a moment. When I was going through my divorce I thought it was the most difficult time in my life. I was what I would call homeless. Often time, I didn’t know where my next meal would come from. I was in and out of the hospital and had no money to pay the doctor bills. I was traveling all over the state of California trying to finalize a divorce that I couldn’t see coming to an end. In the midst of all this, I was separated from my only child. I say I was homeless because I didn’t have a place of my own. Oh I thank God for all the wonderful family and friends that were there for me. There was never a day that I had to sleep on the street or in my SUV but there was days that I thought it would come to that. There was never a day that I didn’t have food but Lord knows I thought it would come to that. At times, I really couldn’t see the GOOD in all of this. I had to keep dwelling on my favorite scripture. I have to tell you about being homeless, being sick, going through a divorce, being separated from my child and the pain I was experiencing because that’s MY testimony to how good God has been. I grew closer to some of the most awesome individuals during this trying time. I drew closer to God. I returned to Los Angeles after living in Santa Barbara for 17 years to my church home and was welcomed by family and loved ones. I could see the rainbow through the storm.

I shared my testimony to show that all things work together for the good because as my divorce was being finalized this December my dear Aunt passed away suddenly which brought me to Beaumont. This is when God told me that it was time for a change. I was like “God, haven’t I been through enough change.” Well He told me that this change was for the Good. Stepping out on faith I moved. Just as I am enjoying my new home and getting comfortable the seam breaks loose. Another Change!!! Well I begin to dwell on that scripture again. “All things work together for the good.”

One day I was having a horrible day. I was ready to pack everything up and run away. I don’t know where I was going but I was going. On top of this I had one of my massive headaches which I knew would lead me to the hospital yet again. I must add since I’d moved to Texas I hadn’t had many hospital visits where before I was going at least twice a month. As I lay in bed praying and crying, I got a text from a woman I had met on a church outing and had not talked to since. She just said she was thinking about me. Well, I’d had on my heart to go to the women’s ministry meeting but didn’t want to go alone so I texted her back and asked if she was going. The funny thing was she didn’t know it was going on so she called around town to see if they were really having a meeting. With a massive headache, nausea, heart ache and pain, I headed to that meeting to hear exactly what the Lord had to say to me. Minister Kim spoke about “It’s Just a Season.” Hmmmm! Didn’t I write about that just a couple of months ago? She goes on to tell us to be aware of our seasons. There are several types of seasons: Prosperity, Suffering, Harvesting (Planting and Giving) and Growing. The part that really spoke to me and has helped me have peace in my home and in my spirit is that the things that we’re going through are just a Temporary Inconvenience for a Permanent Change!!! Hallelujah. I can stop complaining, stop whining, stop worrying, stop hurting, and stop everything because it’s All Temporary. The biggest blessing is that a permanent and positive change is gonna come. Alright now, wasn’t it Sam Cooke that said “A Change is Gonna Come.” Sorry, for those that don’t know me, I can find a song in everything. Thank God for that change. One final thing I have learned over the years is that we can not change anyone. We may want to change our spouses, our children, our bosses, our friends, or even our neighbors. Unfortunately, we can not. The only person we can change is us and our reaction to the other person and the situations that we are going through. So if you’re going through something right now, put your SMILE on because A Change is Gonna Come.

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