Sunday, December 29, 2013

Coming Forth as Pure Gold!

"He knows the way that I take, and when his has tried me, I shall come forth as gold"... Job 23:10

Job was tried but yet he persevered and kept pressing forward. Paul, while imprisoned, wrote words of encouragements to the various churches motivating them to keep pressing towards the mark. We too must keep pressing and we shall come forth as gold.

I started this year off fasting and praying as I have the past 5 years, seeking God's face for guidance, direction, and continued protection. Within the last ten years, I often feel like I have been tried through the fire but yet God's magnificent glory shines brighter than the rain from the storm. Following the words of the prophet Habakkuk, by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I wrote down the visions that God had given me some twenty years ago but fear kept me from realizing them. Thankfully, God has strategically placed people in my life who have encouraged me, supported me and given me the motivation to start grasping the dreams God had invested in me. Utilizing my spiritual gifts, this year I humbly feel honor in how God has used me for His Glory.

I had three major goals that only God could help me through this year and He has done exceedingly and more abundantly. Through, obedience, much prayer, sacrifice and sheer walk of faith, I initially accepted my call to the ministry by surrendering my life to God and became a licensed minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I learned that God does truly qualify the called, even when we run.  Secondly, I entered theology school and I am very excited knowing that I can almost taste the degree. Only by His grace and mercy. Finally, that book that has been inside of me for more than twenty years has been written. My soul rejoices at the glorious work of our King through me.  It was definitely not by my own doing.

In the spring of 2014, watch for the release of my new book at For Him Ministries

Despite the storm and rain, I thank God He's allowing me to tell His story. All that I do is for His glorification and edification. Never ever forget that, "As I Encourage You, I Encourage Myself!"  Be Blessed

Like Job, we all shall come out like pure Gold!!!!

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