Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Generational Problems to Potential

Propel Problems 2 Potential Series

I have experienced chronic pain and sickness my entire life. I recall as a little girl in kindergarten visiting the nurse’s office doubled over in pain but because I did not have a fever or visible signs of distress, I was dismissed. This pattern followed me into my adulthood until I collapsed.
My mother was a beautiful woman who took great care of her family and those around her while silently suffering with diabetes. My youth was marked with incidents of her debilitating silent strokes yet I watch her continue to work, care for home, church, loved ones in the midst of her own personal struggles.

In writing my family history in my book, "Connected by Grace," I learned that my grandmother, my mom’s mother, suffered a fatal stroke at the age of 42. She is remembered for the love she showed for her 7 children, husband, and others. Her children loving describe her as one who suffered in silence and yet she died young.

This past couple of weeks, as I watched my daughter suffer through health issues, wishing I could take away her pain, I realized that her problems, pain, and panic mimic my own and, generationally, my mother’s and my grandmother’s. It has even been seen in my beautiful five year old granddaughter. We often see the pattern and wish that we can break the cycle. I never desired to endure what my mother endured even though I recognized how she overcame her own adversities. I can only imagine that my mother felt the same about her mother, as my grandmother felt for her mother before her.

How do we propel ourselves from the generational pattern to reach our own personal potential?
  1. Acknowledge the Problem (Houston, we have a problem!) – Recognizing that a problem exists is generally the hardest thing for many of us. We must know that we have problem but our problems do not have us. Problems do not define us. It is ok to realize you have depression but depression does not define you. When you acknowledge the problem you can begin to seek assistance from others to live a productive life. Hiding from the problem keeps you stuck in bondage to it.
  2. Positively embrace the Transformation – There is help for most situation even cancer. A positive attitude changes our outlook on life. The potential to live a fulfilled life even while facing terminal illness is based upon attitude. While participating in my first cancer walk as a survivor in 2012, I chatted with other survivors about their success through radiation, chemotherapy, and surgeries. The common factor among most was attitude! Change your focus from your problem to your potential.
  3. Allow Patterns to Teach- Those before us endured much yet have taught us what to do and not do. We can learn from their lessons by choosing wisely to embrace the positive from their lives. We have the advantage of looking at our loved ones lives on a movie screen, seeing the beauty that made them who they are. Open-mindedly, embrace their struggles of endurance! You can do it too.
  4. Revel in the Differences – Be excited that despite the problems that may appear to be handed down, you have options available that were not available generations ago. Doctors, medication, counseling, 12-Step programs, medical studies and so much more are yours! This makes you able to… Choose differently. Live differently. Grow differently. Be different!
Generational patterns do not have to be curses. They are sequence of evidences of behaviors that is repeated until someone says stop! You have not been cursed! Recognize that a pattern exists, embrace it for change as it teaches, and know what makes you different as it propels you to your greatest potential!

You are wonderfully and fearfully made! 

I Encourage you to Shine like the Star you are! 

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Unknown said...

This is beautiful, Ralene. I agree that families indeed can have patterns of illness that are more than just genetic. (You may know that one tool for releasing this is Family Constellation Work.) You're wise to draw attention to this issue in your own family and other families. I know Christiane Northrup, MD, discusses this wisely, too, in her books. To healing for your family and every family!

RaleneCreates said...

Thanks for sharing with me... Sounds like a book worth reading. ;0)

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing. I have some chronic pain that's not familial but encouraging. The use of medical facilities is uplifting because all I hear is v you are healed dint accept the diagnosis hmmm

Amy Hagerup said...

HI Ralene, I am very sorry to hear about your health struggles and those of your mom and grandmother and now your daughter. Your words are powerful. I liked your steps too. If you are interested in some natural solutions, I have some to offer you and they are 100% money back guaranteed, so there is no risk. I am in the Kingdom Wealth Creation group with you. I am passionate about helping folks like you solve these problems naturally. I can send you some testimonies to check out. And if you aren't interested, that is okay too. Love you, sis, Amy