"God keeps his promise, and he will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, he will give you the strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out" 1 Corinthians 10:13 (TEV)
Day Five of Purpose driven life blessed my soul. The point to ponder is Life is a test and a trust.
What stood out the most about life being a test was that despite the numerous tests we may endure God has given us everything we need to pass the tests. No matter how painful the tests may seem at the time we can TRUST that through our faith in God we have the strength to endure. Wow. That mean we do not need to do any but rely on God! That should take weight off of us when we are worrying about if we are going to make it. The answer is already YES! He is just watch to see how you respond during the process. Learning to dance in the rain truly does produce joy in the sunshine!
Life is a trust spoke personally to me because I trully believe to whom much is given much is required. We much learn to careful over a little before God can entrust more to us. It reminds me of when I was little and my parents bought me a camera. I wanted a fancy camera that did all the nice cool functions so I was disappointed when I got a simple plain jane camera. Look at the test there. God was watching me for gratitude but here I was being disappointed. The real lesson was that my parents sat me down to explain that as much as they desired to purchase the fancy camera I needed to demonstrate to them my ability to take care of the simple inexpensive camera before they entrusted me with the fancy one. The fancy camera came with greater responsibility. God handles the gifts that he entrusts to us the same way desiring us to be good stewards. The lesson shows the more God gives, the more responsible he expects us to be.
As we change how we view life we can begin to become more fullfilled.
Points to ponder: Life is a test and a trust.
Verse to Remember: "Unless you are faithful in small matters, you won't be faithful in large ones."
Luke 16:10a (NLT)
As I encourage you, I encourage myself. Be encouraged!
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Wow! Where do i began? I can surely testify to the notion that life is truly a test. I've learned to view it as this: in school we would take test over subject matter as we learned new concepts. And those test would be considered a small percentage of your overall grade. However at the end of each semester before passing on or being promoted you would have to take a final exam. And although you may have past all of the previous test with flying colors this final exam could still make you or break you and cause you to be demoted. Just as well you may have not done so well on the smaller test but as you practiced and continued to study, your final exam grade could impact you in such a way that you could still be promoted. This is how i view the trials and tribulations that God uses to test our faith, our endurance, our patience and so many other traits God wants to recognize in us. Once He knows that we are asks to handle the pressures that come with the promotions, He gives us more along with the extra responsibility that comes with it. Is just like a parenting technique with a child. You start them off with a small allowance each week with a small list of simple chores. As they grow older the allowance may increase but do does the responsibility. I'm just grateful that God taught me just within the past year after lo ing my mother suddenly that it takes adversities to gain strength. As well as a closer relationship with God. And I'm grateful for Him being all knowing and knowing what i can handle and just how much to give me both good and bad. It feels good to let Him direct me and groom me to be the woman that He wants me to be. I'm learninh that the more God can trust me, the more successful (in Him) I will become. And whatever earthly success comes with that... will just be the icing on the cake
Very well said. Test come to make us stronger.
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