Monday, February 24, 2014

Follow your Dreams

Proverbs 29:18 shares with usthat "where there is no vision, the people perish." God has designed us all to lived a fullfilled a purposeful life on this side of heaven giving Him the glory.  Salvation awards us eternal life but it also awards us an abundant life according to John 10:10. What does that look like for you? Is it a dream job, an excursion to an exotic location, completing that degree program, writing that book God placed inside of you, owning your own business, having a child, marrying or living as God desires? What ever it is you must envision it to conceive it or you will never receive it! 

This Friday, I received a proof copy of my book, As I Encourage You, I Encourage Myself, and the reality of God's goodness hit me. It was not because of anything I had done except my belief in His promises that allowed this lifelong dream to become a reality.  I had seen the book on Kindle and Nook but it was not until I had the physical book in my hand could I acknowledge the full manifestation of Gods glory working in my life. 

I challenge all who may reading this blog to follow your dreams. Do not allow the chatterbox of your negative thinking, the enemy, your friends, your family, your finances, or the worlds standards keep you from the promises God has for you! We truly can do all thing through Christ that gives us strength.  Keep pressing towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus! Not only am I a new Author but a publisher! But God! Never forget as I Encourage you, I Encourage myself!  Be blessed! 

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