Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Love is in the Air!

 for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, 'For we also are His children.' (Acts17:28 NASB)

Happy New Years! 

As 2014 rang, unlike most, this year I spent the evening home alone.  I have been sick for the last several days recouperating so I was still tired and really wanted to be alone. I spent the evening wring and reflecting on the past year and God's promises.  It is true that for in Him we exist and have our being. As His children we recognize our existence in Him and our need for love and His love.  

I hear Christian women say that the only man they need is Jesus but as I watch they are the same ones seeking for the love of a man.  I believe they are deceiving themselves.  God made each of us to need each pther through the love of Him.  It was God that Adam was not complete and needed woman. Through His love for His children He provides us with each other to love.  Women, we deceive ourselves and men. Also, men need to feel needed! It is how God made them. 

As we have our existence in Christ, know we were created to love and be loved! Love God with all your heart this new year and seek His face while not allowing fear to rob you of loving like you have never loved before. Remember, God is love! You can not really love without knowing Him! 

As I encourage you, I encourage myself! LOVE is in the air! Happy New Years! Be blessed! -rfwb

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