Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The True Beauty of a Woman

As I turned 40 a few years ago, I was asked to reflect on what had changed about me the Woman Rae vs the Younger Woman Rae. I often referred to myself as a people pleaser. I believe this is what makes me a good person and also what gets me in trouble. A really good friend of mine calls this the "Essence of Rae" - that because of my strong faith and my belief in God I strive to be a good person by pleasing others.

Instead, our focus should always be on pleasing God, foremost. When we do this, others will see the true Essence of HIM and Rae (or YOU) will shine through as well. Matthew says in verse 5:16, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven"

One of my favorite authors, Bishop T.D. Jakes, captured how I felt when I turned 40 with this poem. I hope it sheds some light on how not just Women should strive towards pleasing God but all Christians should find the True Beauty of being Christ-like. God Bless and Keep you.

The True Beauty of a Woman

It’s not what people say about you
that makes you different
It’s what you say about yourself,
and what your GOD has said about you
that really matters.
T.D. Jakes

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